Clinical Services

Hospital Services

Moulvibazar BNSB Eye Hospital provides eye care services round the year through its Out-door, In-door department.

Outdoor Services

On an average daily 550 patients attend and get treatment in the Out-Patient Department. The other facilities available in the Out-Patient Department include:

  • Various Examinations.
  • Investigation (B-Scan, YAG-Capsulotomy, YAG-PI) along with other routine investigation.

Sub-specialities units:

  • Cornea and  cataract clinic.
  • Glaucoma unit. 
  • Retina unit.
  • Pediatric unit.

Ocular Microbiological Laboratory

Investigation done regularly in moderate Ocular Microbiological Laboratory on the following-

  • Corneal Scrapings and Conjunctival Swabs for staining and culture
  • Routine examination of blood, urine etc.
  • BT, CT, Plasma Glucose etc.
  • Prepared the penicillin & Fortified Gentamicin eye drops.

Indoor Services

On an average monthly 400-450 patients operated in the In-Patient Department, which includes-

  • Various type of Cataract Surgery (including Phaco with IOL implantation).
  • Squint surgery.
  • Ptosis surgery.
  • Trabeculectomy.
  • DCR.
  • DCT.
  • Entropion correction.
  • Ectropion correction.
  • Pterygium surgery.
  • I & C of Chalazion.
  • Enucleation surgery.
  • Evisceration surgery.
  • Papiloma Excision.
  • Tarsorraphy.

Out Reach Services

Moulvibazar BNSB initially started its activities through outreach programs and still attaches much importance to them. This is Specially significant for a country like Bangladesh having 80% of its population living in the rural areas where ophthalmic facilities are virtually absent. Through the following outreach activities total free services are given to all patients irrespective of their social standing.

Mobile Rural Remote Eye Camp/Screening Camp

Initially BNSB Moulvibazar started its activities through mobile eye camps in different remote areas at Sylhet division and its adjacent areas. This outreach program has been continuing from the beginning. Its aim to make is to make eye care services accessible to people of remote rural areas of the country round the year.The eye camps are designed to reach treatment facilities to the doorstep of these less privileged patients. Patients are treated for eye aliments and surgeries mainly for cataract and some extra ocular diseases and complicated cases are being referred to the hospital. The volunteers provides all kind of non- Medical logistics support from inception to till. 

School Sight Testing Program (SSTP)

The program started in 1986 with the aim to detect visual and other ocular defect in the school going children and arrange their appropriate treatment. Eye health education is an integral part of the program where students and teacher are imparted knowledge on eye health care. Those who can be helped by spectacles are prescribed and the ones needing surgery are being referred to the B N S B Eye Hospital, MOulvibazar. 

Awareness and training program

Awareness creation is very important step in the development of a successfull program against in any disease in the community. To aware the people about the eye problem and primary eye care following awareness approches we taken every year. 

  • School Teachers training program
  • Religious Leaders and Vomunteers training program
  • Health Workers training program
  • Aawreness campeign among the tea garden labour. 

Poor Pateints support program

  • From the inception Moulvibazar B N S B Eye Hospital has been working to eradicate the blindness from the society and surve to all classes of people. Our main priorities to help the helpless. In this context we are providing free treatment more than 40% of total pateints every year. Due to COVID-19 pendamic 46% of people go down under poverty line and more than twenty million people are became newly poor and totaly income stopped more 23% people. By the support of our long term partners and donors ANDHERI HILFE, Germany are helping the poor eye pateints and return back their sight under this poor pateints support program.